FarmaProm Databases

Database of Doctors, Medical Institutions, Pharmacies, Pharmacists

We have data on medical institutions, nurses and midwives, pharmacists, other medical personnel.

Medical database

We have one of the most precise, daily updated databases of doctors and pharmacies in Poland. Every day it is used by more than 3300 medical representatives from almost 70 pharmaceutical companies. The database contains information on more than 106 000 professionally active medical doctors. Our database is an invaluable source of knowledge on doctors of all specialisations, their locations, on nurses, midwives, pharmacists, and the remaining medical staff, as well as on all medical centres.

Update guarantee

The data are updated, among other things, through:

  • Applications sent each day to our 3,300 representatives from 67 pharmaceutical companies. Every year we verify between 40,000 to 60,000 applications;
  • Direct marketing, including among other things: Direct Mail, E-mailing, Text Messaging, and Sampling;
  • Data gathered through online sources.

Medical specialty by FarmaProm

We designate one “analytic” medical Specialty by FarmaProm, recognizing that the physician provides the most services within that specialty. We define Specialty by FarmaProm, for example, specialties learned and performed by the physician and current places of employment.

Specjalizacja lekarska wg FarmaProm

Database on pharmacies and other points of sales

We have a daily-updated commercial Database of Pharmacies in Poland. It contains ample information on particular entities (both chains and individual ones) along with such data as purchasing potential. Our database contains 14,117 pharmacies points of sales and hospital pharmacies. The data is updated on a quarterly basis.

Chains According to FarmaProm

Gain access to a daily-updated Polish pharmacy chains database. Learn about our newest solution and enjoy additional benefits. We have created a solution that offers comprehensive insight into Polish pharmacy chains. It will allow you to easily explore the structure of chains in Poland (starting from 2+). The data it presents are generated using multiple sources and are updated on a daily basis by our analysts.

Secure process of obtaining consents (including remote communications)

Answering to the changes to working conditions triggered by the pandemic, we’ve developed a convenient and secure process for obtaining consent for remote contact from pharmaceutical companies that collaborate with us. Doctors, pharmacists, and other medical personnel may express consent via dedicated website. Those companies that have joined the process benefit from gaining contact details (i.e. e-mails and/or mobile phone numbers) of persons who have expressed their consent. The Remote Visits functionality is also connected to this process. This tool allows you to conveniently contact pharmacy employees and, first and foremost, the doctors without the need of meeting them face to face.

Got questions? We’re here to answer!

To learn about the details, reach out to our Sales Department:

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